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PocketTimer 3.2

PocketTimer 3.2

PocketTimer Publisher's Description

PocketTimer is the low-cost handheld race timing solution for race directors, timing companies, running clubs, or anyone else putting on an event that needs timing. A person completely unfamiliar with the Palm can easily record thousands of bib #'s and associated times. Results can be edited or reviewed on the Palm, downloaded to the desktop, or printed directly to a printer (using PalmPrint software also from Stevens Creek Software). Includes a "time trial mode" for events in which participants start at fixed intervals, and can handle multi-lap races as well as single lap races. Also allows time offset for races in which the start and finish are at different places and the timer cannot be started exactly at the start time, and includes "time-of-day" timing. WINDOWS AND MACINTOSH CONDUITS INCLUDED.
Feature Benefit Continous display of elapsed time, pace, and current finishing place Provides the timer with full information which can simultaneously be used for announcing purposes in small races Large number buttons for recording bib# (or boat#, car#, bike#, etc.) Allows easy recording of information by inexperienced users, without the need for Graffiti, and even, if necessary, without a stylus (buttons are easily large enough for fingertip use) A large "Record" button for recording times, plus the ability to record times using "hard buttons" on the unit Easy, reliable recording of finishing times, even (if hard buttons are used) without looking at the unit. Record times in 1.0 second or 0.1 second resolution Choose the resolution that suits your event. Time-of-day recording By synchronizing the time on multiple Palms, the units can be started BEFORE the actual race start, allowing for the Palms to be in place and running in widely separated places on the race course. "Last #" option lets you record time first, and THEN record bib# Situations in which the # is not visible until after the racer has crossed the finish line can be handled "Same time" option lets you record multiple finishers with the same time Since the software relies on "hand-timing", it is impossible to actually record two finishers at the same time, but this feature lets you record the second (or additional) finishers at the same time as the previous one. Easy review of recorded information, including search capability The recorded times can be easily viewed, and you can search for a particular # to see if a particular racer has finished. Last lap display If racers are recorded multiple times (e.g., multiple laps), display just the last lap (and the number of laps recorded for that racer) Easy editing of recorded information Modify recorded information to correct errors, and even insert additional finishers who were missed.Special "Duplicates" display lets you easily spot erroneous entries. Beam times from one copy of PocketTimer to another Time continuously at a finish line, but beam the recorded times periodically to a second Palm so you can score the race and print results (using RaceBase software from Stevens Creek Software) even while the race and timing continues. Operates without power for 24 hours Even if left running continuously (as is required in 0.01 second resolution mode, although not in 1.0 second mode), the unit can record times for approximately 24 hours continuously (depending on exact handheld unit in use, batteries, etc.), allowing for use in remote locations AutoRecord mode If all racers have the same number of digits in their number, allows automatic recording with one fewer step (no need to press Record button). Barcode-scanning enabled When used on a Palm with barcode scanning capability, including Symbol SPT15xx/17xx/18xx or Handspring Visor with plug-in CSM-150 or PSC Momentum, can scan in bib#s for barcoded tags Record up to 32,000 finishers All information will fit on even the smallest memory Palm. Ability to offset recorded times, either by a constant amount or using "time trial" offset to subtract an increasing time from each racer Simple offset of times allows for correction of starting errors, or synchronizing Palms from different locations which were started at different times. Time Trial offset lets you record racers who started at fixed intervals (e.g., 1 minute apart) and then correct those times. Includes Windows and Macintosh conduits Upload recorded times to your desktop as a simple tab-delimited or CSV text file. PalmPrint (tm) enabled Using PalmPrint software from Stevens Creek Software and a portable printer, print out recorded times on the spot. Designed to be used by people with just a few seconds instruction Lots of features to prevent quickly-trained users from making mistakes, for example, accidental button presses or taps while the software is running will NOT exit the software, and stopping the timer is a multistep process that can't be done accidentally.

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